Monday, October 19, 2009

Time away with out kids

Wow!!! That was so need, time away for me and daddy. I couldn't sleep at all last night, to much stuff on my mind. By the time I actually went to sleep it was time to get back up and it's 10:00 pm now and I can see me staying up working on a menu for next month a budget for next month and what bill I need to pay this Friday and what are we going to do for family worship night. I want a project or maybe write a play for the kids and dress up and preform it one month. This would take a month or so to complete. I don't want to make studying or learning about Jehovah a chore. The funnier it is for them the more likely it is to stick. That's just my opinion. How can I keep my self sane? Time away occasionally for the everyday things. I would recommend it, that's for sure. I think we might do it again in a couple of weeks, maybe with another couple.


  1. Do you do weekly menu planning? I have been slacking in that department since the end of pregnancy but I am starting to get back into it. I definitely notice a huge difference in my grocery bill and the amount of food we go through when I don't menu plan. I am going to increase our grocery budget pretty soon, because I need to restock the pantry/freezer from moving East. I am just starting to get back into the whole, at one point I was feeding my family of 6 plus my 10 daycare kids and assistant for $150.00 a week. Check them out too, great info. If you want ideas for new meals, check out, she hosts a menu plan meme each Monday and there are always lots of people who link up and share their menus. Okay, sorry for the long comment. Chat soon!

  2. No you can comment as long as you would like, thanks for all the suggestions. I had never seen those websites before. So do you still have the daycare? I watched kids as well, not 10 only 2 and was looking to get more, until my oldest started showing signs that he need more attention and/or leaving the bad association he was around. I couldn't teach and watch them so I let them go. That was amazing that you could feed all of you guys for 150.00 that about my food budget for the week. On those nights I can't sleep I plan my meals for weeks or months at a time, I do make changes if I'm not in the mood to eat that or cook such a heavy meal. You have to be organized when you have kids, or at least try:)
